

  • Ambachtsweg 22, 9820 Merelbeke, Belgium

duvall provides tailor-made technological solutions for events, conferences and meetings. We specialize in facilitating multilingual meetings with top-of-the-line AV equipment, a unique service and an extensive network of qualified interpreters. These can be set up on site, online or hybrid.

Give structure to your events and meetings, increase interaction among the participants and break through language barriers thanks to simultaneous translation, voting, live streaming, ... adapted to your specific requirements & wishes.

Our interactive voting systems ensure more involvement with the participants. We create dynamics around your event and drive engagement through internet streaming, video conferencing and our in-house developed hybrid meeting platform for remote participants and interpreters; QuaQua meeting.

duvall is your professional, experienced partner in conference technology, and the only provider that can offer a focused set of tools to support your event to the fullest. Our wireless conference systems with camera control provide seamless technical support focused on the success of your meetings.

Our services are fully tailored to the needs of our customers and their events.

For more info, contact us!

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Hybrid conference for Charles River Associates in Brussels
31 March 2021

We are proud to support the annual hybrid conference of the 'Charles River Associates' at the Steigenberger Wiltcher's Hotel in Brussels.

Duvall hosted a 1600-person hybrid multilingual conference here, using the QuaQua multilingual online meeting platform. The conference was supported by interpreters, both online and from different locations around the world, ensuring a seamless simultaneous translation of all participants.

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Activities Duvall

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Henegouwen | Luik | Luxemburg | Namen | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Flevoland | Friesland | Gelderland | Groningen | Limburg | Noord-Brabant | Noord-Holland | Overijssel | Drenthe | Utrecht | Zeeland | Zuid-Holland | Belgium | France | Germany | Italy | Luxembourg | Netherlands | Spain | Yvelines | Yonne | Vosges | Paris | Vienne | Vendée | Vaucluse | Var | Val d'Oise | Val-de-Marne | Tarn-et-Garonne | Tarn | Somme | Seine-Saint-Denis | Seine-Maritime | Seine-et-Marne | Savoy | Sarthe | Saône-et-Loire | Pyrénées-Orientales | Pyrénées-Atlantiques | Puy-de-Dôme | Rhône | Pas-de-Calais | Orne | Oise | North | Nièvre | Moselle | Morbihan | Meuse | Meurthe et Moselle | Mayenne | Marne | Manche | Maine-et-Loire | Lozère | Lot-et-Garonne | Lot | Loir-et-Cher | Loiret | Loire-Atlantique | Loire | Landes | Jura | Isère | Indre-et-Loire | Indre | Ille-et-Vilaine | Hérault | Hauts-de-Seine | Haut-Rhin | Haute-Vienne | Hautes-Pyrénées | Haute-Savoie | Haute-Saône | Hautes-Alpes | Haute-Marne | Haute-Loire | Upper Garonne | Upper Corsica | Gironde | Gers | Gard | Finistère | Eure-et-Loir | Eure | Essonne | Drôme | Doubs | Dordogne | Deux-Sèvres | Creuse | Côtes-d'Armor | Cote d'Or | South Corsica | Corrèze | Cher | Charente-Maritime | Charente | Cantal | Calvados | Bouches-du-Rhône | Territoire de Belfort | Bas-Rhin | Aveyron | Aude | Aube | Ariège | Ardennes | Ardèche | Alpes-Maritimes | Alpes-de-Haute-Provence | Allier | Aisne | Ain | Bruxelles-Capitale | Thuringia | Schleswig-Holstein | Saxony-Anhalt | Saxony | Saarland | Rheinland-Pfalz | North Rhine-Westphalia | Lower Saxony | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Hesse | Hamburg | Bremen | Brandenburg | Berlin | Bavaria | Baden-Württemberg | Wiltz | Vianden | Remich | Redange | Mersch | Luxembourg | Grevenmacher | Esch-sur-Alzette | Echternach | Diekirch | Clervaux | Capellen | Murcia | Ceuta | Balearic Islands | Andalusia | Canary Islands | Castille-La Mancha | Extremadura | Valencia | Asturias | Navarre | Madrid | La Rioja | Cantabria | Aragon | Castille and León | Catalonia | Galicia | Basque Country | Melilla
Audiovisual Equipment Rental | Audiovisual Concepts
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
4 May 2022

Duvall bvba provided remote simultaneous interpretation via QuaQua meeting for the Amazon Web Services (AWS) conference in Madrid, an assignment for LEF marketing & events. This set-up replaces 6 interpretation booths and saves a lot of extra costs!

We uploaded the local video to QuaQua and the interpreters who where working remotely. Via QuaQua hybrid we exported the language channels and ...

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