Terms of Use eventplanner.net

These Terms of Use apply to the websites eventplanner.net, eventplanner.be, eventplanner.nl, eventplanner.co.uk, eventplanner.de, eventplanner.es & eventplanner.fr and all channels accompanying the website including newsletters, blogs, social media, ... This version of the document is a translation of the original in Dutch and provided for information purposes only. In case of a discrepancy, the Dutch original will prevail.

By visiting/using this website you accept these terms of use.

By accepting these Terms of Use, you also agree to the processing of personal data in accordance with the processing regulations.

This website is created and managed by Pink Minds Media bv, Moleneinde 10, B-2381 Weelde, Belgium, VAT number BE 0892 854 217.

Unauthorised use

You agree when using the websites to behave as a responsible and careful internet user which means:

  • Not to use the content of this website in any illicit way or in any way that could directly or indirectly harm Pink Minds Media, its subsidiaries, service providers, distributors, clients, media or any third parties.
  • Not to use the website in such a way that an infringement is committed on the rights of a natural person, legal entity or association, such as, but not limited to, privacy and intellectual property rights (our 'privacy & cookie policy' can be found here).
  • Not to use the website in any way that violates the rights of individual persons, companies, associations, including, but not limited to, privacy and intellectual property rights.
  • To use the website with respect for all applicable codes and notifications, the full text of which can be consulted on the appropriate websites.
  • Not to use the website in any way that might disrupt, interrupt, deform or affect the working of the website in any way.
  • To under no circumstance abuse the website and the platforms offered by Pink Minds Media.
  • Not to use the website to transmit or post computer viruses, illegal or illicit content, inappropriate content (including but not limited to obscene, violent or harmful content).
  • To safeguard and hold harmless the honour and good name of Pink Minds Media and her brands at all times.
  • Not to use the website to post or transmit materials for promotional or advertising purposes without prior authorisation by Pink Minds Media, unless such content has been applied for by the recipient.
  • To notify Pink Minds Media immediately about any attack, even potentially, on the security of the website or the rights of third parties.

You agree to hold harmless Pink Minds Media or any third party against all claims related to your violation of intellectual property rights or any other rights of Pink Minds Media or any third parties.

Pink Minds Media may work with external partners when offering certain information or services on this website. Pink Minds Media cannot under any circumstances be held liable for any violation of any legal obligation, intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties by its partners and declines all responsibility for the information and services provided by its partners. Pink Minds Media will not be responsible for any incomplete or inexact information provided by any third parties.

Trademarks, brands and intellectual property

All texts, drawings, photos, films, images, data, databases, software, commercial names, trademarks, logos and other elements of this website are protected by intellectual property rights and are the property of Pink Minds Media or third parties. This website also forms a database protected by copyrights and database protection laws. The content of this website cannot, in part or in whole, be changed, made public, distributed, sent, sold or otherwise used without the prior written authorisation of Pink Minds Media. Citations of articles are allowed for non-commercial purposes only and if properly quoted and linked to the source (with hyperlink), for so far that citations are not made systematically.

The logo and the name of Pink Mind Media's brands are protected trademarks and/or trade names. No use of these names and logos or similar names and logos can be made without prior written agreements by Pink Minds Media.

We are the exclusive rightful claimant or assignee of the entire intellectual property rights associated with our website and the service offered.

Unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing, users transfer all intellectual property rights that they may assert on texts, photographs, videos, drawings, graphics, images, sound and data that are placed on our website, irrevocably to us.

You agree to in no way whatsoever or in any form whatsoever to scrape, copy, process, exploit, resell or otherwise use the whole of elements that make up our website, or any part of it. These elements include the brand, texts, software, databases, forms, trade names, product names, logos, graphic elements and illustrations, graphs, music, color combinations, slogans, layouts and page design and any other qualifying element of the website and our service.

Unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing, our videos may only be embedded by websites of a non-commercial nature. For example, placing advertisements around our videos is not allowed.

Personal data, privacy & data protection

Pink Minds Media respects and protects your privacy. We are compliant with the GDRP (European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27th 2016 on the protection of personal data). These terms of use inform you of our privacy policy and of the applicable legal framework about it.

By accepting these Terms of Use, you also agree to the processing of personal data in accordance with the processing regulations.

What personal data does Pink Minds Media process as controller?

In the context of its activities, Pink Minds Media processes the following personal data under its own control and responsibility and for its own purposes:

  • Communication data: if you call, e-mail or send us a message via social media, we process your e-mail address, telephone number and/or social media account, as well as the data that you provide yourself;
  • Customer and delivery details: if you create an account or make a purchase on our website, we collect your surname, first name, possibly your company name and VAT number, e-mail address, address details, delivery details and other data that you voluntarily provide to us;
  • Account details: if you use our services via your account, we process the data you enter about your team, guest lists, visitor registrations and ticketing modules and/or data about suppliers;
  • Data for direct marketing: when subscribing to our newsletter, we process your name, first name, e-mail address and possibly your company name;
  • Billing information: when you place an order or apply for a paid membership, we will process your name, first name, address, email address, bank account number, and possibly your company name and VAT number;
  • Supplier details: if you are a (potential) supplier, we collect your name, first name, address details, e-mail address, telephone details, the name of your company, your position, VAT number, bank account number and any other data that you voluntarily provide to us;
  • Job application information: if you apply for one of the vacancies on our website, we may collect the following personal data: your name, first name, e-mail address, CV, gender, photo and any other data that you voluntarily provide to us;
  • Cookies: whenever you visit our website, we may collect various personal data about you based on cookies and similar technologies, in particular your IP address. More information about how we use cookies can be found under 'Cookies'.
  • User Generated Content: When you use our services, we collect any personal information that you share with us through file uploads, or through feedback that you provide to our services ('content').
  • Online behavioural data: if you use our platform, we process your behavioural data during your session as well as the data that you provide yourself.

We do not knowingly and wilfully process data of minors, biometric data, financial data on persons, nationality, racial or ethnical data, physical data, life habits, psychic data, family composition, personal memberships, judicial information, housing characteristics, data on persons' personal health, education, national register number, social security number, data on sexual life, political views, philosophical or religious beliefs, ... We do not however control what data you are sharing with us voluntarily and if you decide to share any of the above data with us without us asking so, we decline all liability for the processing of such data.

Pink Minds Media will only use this personal data for the following purposes:

  • Communication data: to be able to handle your question or request, with the legal basis of performing the service you have requested.
  • Account details: to perform the requested services and deliver products, as well as to be able to contact you with information that is necessary for the execution of your order (including free services such as business pages, event software, user account, ...), with the legal basis of execution of the agreement with you and our legitimate interest. You will not find an unsubscribe link for e-mails that are an inherent part of our services (in this case you can unsubscribe by deleting your account / personal data and thus also stopping the service).
  • Customer & delivery details: to perform the requested services and deliver products, as well as to be able to contact you with information that is necessary for the execution of your order (including free services such as business pages, event software, user account, ...), with the legal basis of execution of the agreement with you and our legitimate interest. You will not find an unsubscribe link for e-mails that are an inherent part of our services (in this case you can unsubscribe by deleting your account / personal data and thus also stopping the service).
  • Data for direct marketing: direct marketing, newsletters, promotions with the legal basis of our legitimate interest with regard to existing customers, or the explicit, prior consent for all others. You can unsubscribe from the Pink Minds Media newsletters at any time by simply clicking on the 'unsubscribe' link in the newsletters. Your email will be immediately removed from the mailing list. If you have any questions or problems, you can contact us by email at privacy@pinkminds.tv, by post 'Moleneinde 10, B-2381 Weelde' or by telephone on +32.3.535.00.00
  • Billing information: to provide invoicing and accounting for orders and subscriptions with the legal basis of our legal accounting obligations.
  • Supplier details: to process your request, to be able to send a quote and to communicate with you, with the legal basis of the execution of the agreement with you.
  • Cookies: to maintain and improve our website, with your explicit, prior consent on your first visit to our website as legal basis.
  • Training AI models: If and to the extend that you use our AI tools, we may occasionally use personal data that you have shared with us through the use of these tools for further training of the algorithmes based on which these tools operate. In such event, the said personal data will under no circumstances be used for any other purposes, nor will it be shared with third parties.
  • Online behavioural data: to maintain and improve our website and to enhance your customer experience, with your explicit, prior consent on your first visit to our website as legal basis.

By creating a company account, you explicitly give us permission if your e-mail address should become invalid (for example if your company name changes, you leave the company, ...), to replace your e-mail address with the public e-mail address available on your website so that we can continue the service without interruption.

Which personal data does Pink Minds Media process on behalf of third parties?

Pink Minds Media also processes your personal data on behalf of and under the responsibility and control of third parties in the context of its ticketing software. If you buy tickets for an event on our websites, we process the data that you share with us in that context as a processor on behalf of the event organiser in question. The event organiser can also collect and process your personal data itself, regardless of Pink Minds Media's role in this. For this we would like to refer you to the Privacy Policy of each individual event organiser. After all, Pink Minds Media is not responsible for such processing of your personal data, which falls entirely under the responsibility of the event organiser in question.

In that case, Pink Minds Media only acts as a conduit for your data in the context of your order. For each event you will find a link to the privacy policy of the organiser in question and you can read there at any time how the event organiser will handle your personal data.

  • Customer and delivery data: if you order a ticket for an event via our website, we collect your surname, first name, possibly the name of your company and VAT number, e-mail address, address data, delivery data and other data that you voluntarily transfer to us;
  • Payment details: if you pay online for tickets for an event on our websites, we will also process your payment details. Depending on the chosen payment method, this concerns your bank account number and bank details and your credit or payment card details.

Transfer to third parties

The data provided can be passed on for these purposes to companies or employees contractually affiliated with Pink Minds Media in the context of our services. For example, your data may be passed on to and processed by software and cloud suppliers, event suppliers, financial partners, logistics partners or any other third party that is a party to or plays a role in your order. In particular, your data will be passed on to an event venue or event company when you send them a quote or information request via our website.

The current list of third parties to whom data is passed on can be obtained on simple request by e-mail. We ensure the appropriate security measures with regard to your personal data with every transfer to third parties, including by concluding processing agreements where necessary.

Specifically in the context of your order for event tickets, we pass on your data to the event organiser in question, who is responsible for its correct processing.

We always try to make maximum use of European suppliers and try to keep your data within Europe where possible. If we do have to rely on non-European third parties, we will ensure that your data is just as safe outside of Europe as it is here in Europe. For example, where necessary, we conclude Standard Contractual Clauses with these partners and provide additional guarantees.

We do not sell or rent your personal data to third parties.

In the event of a full or partial reorganisation or transfer of Pink Minds Media's activities, whereby it reorganises, transfers, or ceases its business activities or if Pink Minds Media goes bankrupt, this may mean that your data will be passed on to new entities or third parties, through which the business activities of Pink Minds Media are executed in whole or in part, are transferred. Pink Minds Media will make reasonable efforts to inform you in advance of the fact that Pink Minds Media will disclose your data to said third party, but you also acknowledge that this is not technically or commercially feasible under all circumstances.

In rare cases, we may be required to disclose personal information pursuant to a court order or to comply with other mandatory laws or regulations. We try to inform you in advance to the best of our ability, unless this is not possible for legal reasons.

How long do we keep your personal data?

Pink Minds Media stores your personal data for as long as this is necessary for the purposes of each processing.

  • Communication data: we process the data you provide when you contact us for up to 1 year after the request has been processed.
  • Account details: Data for active accounts is retained, but when you delete your account, or if your email address becomes invalid (due to bounces) or your account remains inactive for over 3 years, all personal data will be anonymised. Given that many events are bi-annual and considering a typical 1-year planning phase, we have set a reasonable retention period of 3 years. A warning email will be sent 1 month before the end of this period, prior to account closure. Please note that business accounts (created for event businesses) will not be automatically deleted as long as their business page remains active. Additionally, users who have published reviews publicly will also not be automatically deleted, as we still need to display your name as the author. If you wish to delete your data after publishing reviews, please contact us, and we will remove the publicly available content before deleting your account.
  • Customer & delivery details: If you order products on our website using a guest checkout we will keep your data for 1 year.
  • Order information when purchasing tickets: We do not store your data longer than is necessary for handling and following up on your order than agreed for that purpose in the processing agreements that we conclude with the event organisers involved. They are responsible for the correct storage of your personal data and you will find more information about the retention times they use for your personal data in their privacy policy.
  • Data for direct marketing: we keep your data for direct marketing until you delete your account. We will of course no longer send emails as soon as you unsubscribe.
  • Billing information: due to our legal accounting obligations, we keep your invoicing data for 7 years from the calendar year following the invoice date.
  • Supplier details: we keep data about suppliers for a maximum of 5 years after the end of the collaboration.
  • Cookies: see below in the 'Cookies' section.
  • Training AI models: your data will be stored for the duration of the actual business use of our AI models and will be deleted at the moment that we decommission the AI model.

Automatic collection of anonymous data

Pink Minds Media may collect anonymous or aggregated data of a non-personal nature, such as browser type, the operating system you use, the pages you visit on our website, ... or the domain name of the website through which you came to the website or by which you leave it. We use this data to improve our website and include it in anonymous statistics.


During your visits to the website cookies may be placed automatically on the hard disk of your computer. The data collected through these cookies helps us to improve our website and adapt it to your wishes and preferences and may be used to show you offers and promotions of products and services that may interest you. Most Internet browsers allow you to remove cookies from your hard disk, to reject cookies or to receive a warning before a cookie is installed. Consult the instructions or help function of your internet browser or this website for more details. If you accept cookies during your visit to this website, these cookies may be used again during following visits.

We also integrate with 3rd parties which are necessary for the operation and safety of our site. These 3rd parties may collect data from our users in this context. We use Google's reCAPTCHA to protect our website (data collection in accordance with the Google Privacy Policy), Google DFP for display advertising, ... You can set your cookie preferences on eventplanner.ie

We only place strictly necessary cookies without your prior consent. For all other cookies we first ask for your permission.

The website uses these cookies:

Level 0 - Functional cookies

  • PHPSESSID and pmToken by eventplanner.ie
    With these cookies we ensure that you can log in securely to our site and that the basic functionalities of our website can work.
    (expiration: session / 2 years)
  • pmML by eventplanner.ie
    With this cookie we improve the functionality of our website by collecting analytics and personalising our content for an even better user experience.
    (expiration: 2 years)
  • eventToken by eventplanner.ie
    This cookie also helps us to log you in securely and also ensures that, if you wish, we can automatically log you in again when you return to our website (tick 'remember me' when logging in).
    (expiration: 2 years)
  • _cookie_consent by eventplanner.ie
    This cookie stores your cookie consent level and allows us to comply with European Cookie laws.
    (expiration: 6 months)This cookie also helps us to log you in securely and also ensures that, if you wish, we can automatically log you in again when you return to our website (tick 'remember me' when logging in).
    (expiration: 2 years)
  • _stripe by Stripe
    Do you order something via our website? Then we process your payment through our secure security partner Stripe.
    (expiration: 6 months)

Level 1 - Functional & analytics cookies

  • None
    We currently have no analytics tracking.

Level 2 - Social media and ads

  • _gads, DoubleClick, ... by Google DFP / Google Adsense / Google Adwords
    We use Google DFP to display banners on our website. We use Google Adsense for relevant text ads. Banners, and other ads, provide the much needed income with which we can create the great content that we provide you free of charge.
    (expiration: 2 years)
  • Social media
    On pages where we embed Instagram posts, Twitter tweets, ... these social media might set cookies to deliver the content. We will only show you this content when you accepted cookie level 2.

IP addresses

By posting a reaction, reviews, ... your IP address is identified and collected for the purpose of maximising the authenticity and integrity of messages by avoiding postings under false names. In the event of complaints of presumed illicit or illegal conduct, we may be forced to hand over your IP address to the appropriate government bodies.

Your Rights

  • Right of access and to be informed:
    You have the right to receive free access to your personal data at any time, as well as the use we make of your personal data.
  • Right to rectification, erasure and restrict processing:
    You are free to communicate your personal data, or not, to Pink Minds Media. In addition, you always have the right to request us to correct, supplement or delete your personal data. You can easily do this yourself by logging in on our website. You acknowledge that in case of refusal of communication or request for the removal of personal data, certain services and products are not available. You may also request to limit the processing of your personal data.
  • Right to object:
    You also have a right to object to the processing of your personal data for serious and legitimate reasons. In addition, you always have the right to oppose the use of personal data for direct marketing purposes; in such a case you do not have to give reasons.
  • Right to data portability:
    You have the right to obtain and/or transfer to other responsible parties your personal data processed by us.
  • Right to withdraw consent:
    To the extent that the processing is based on your prior consent, you have the right to withdraw that permission.
  • Exercising your rights:
    You can exercise your rights by contacting us for this purpose, either by e-mail to privacy@pinkminds.tv or by mail to Pink Minds Media - Moleneinde 10 - B-2381 Weelde (Belgium), provided you enclose a copy of your identity card.
  • Complaints:
    You have the right to submit a complaint to the Belgian Data Protection Authority: GBA/APD, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels, tel: +32 (0)2 274 48 00, contact@apd-gba.be. If necessary, you can also go to the civil court to claim compensation.

Security of personal data

We have developed security measures that are technically and organisationally adapted to avoid the destruction, loss, falsification, modification, unauthorised access or notification by mistake to third parties of personal data collected as well as any other unauthorised processing of this information. In no event can Pink Minds Media be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from incorrect or unlawful use by a third party of the personal data. You must comply with the safety regulations at all times, for example, by preventing any unauthorised access to your login and code. You are therefore solely responsible for the use that is made from the website of your computer, IP address and your identification data, as well as for the confidentiality thereof.

Access by third parties

In order to process your personal data, we grant access to your personal data to our employees and suppliers. We guarantee a similar level of protection by making contractual obligations enforceable against these employees and appointees, which are similar to this privacy policy.


Our Data Protection Officer is Bart Van den Brande at Sirius Legal Business Law Firm. He can be reached at privacy@pinkminds.tv


This Website may contain hyperlinks to websites or web pages of third parties or redirect to such Websites or pages in other ways. Pink Minds Media does not control the content or any other feature of these websites or web pages and is under no circumstances liable or responsible for the content or the features of these websites. The use of links by Pink Minds Media does not imply approval of the content of these websites or webpages.

We pay the utmost attention and care to the presence of the links to other websites and third parties and to the proper functioning thereof. However, we cannot guarantee that these links always work. In case of normally acceptable disruption of the operation of these links, we do everything possible to remedy this within as short a time as possible. This can in no case give rise to the owing of any compensation or penalty.

Advices, content and articles

eventplanner.ie, is a webplatform that shares information on organising events.

Any advice offered directly or indirectly through this website of a medical, legal, financial, personal or business nature is offered without any guarantee and Pink Minds Media cannot be held liable for the content of such advice. Please consult a licensed professional for the advice and information that best fits your personal situation.

The content of our articles, TV broadcasts and other content is purely informative and only intended to provide the user with general background information about entrepreneurship in the event industry. The information can not replace professional advice from an accountant, lawyer or other professional.

You acknowledge that the information that is made available to you is not complete, exhaustive and that our articles do not constitute concrete, customised advice on your questions. We advise you to consult one of our professional partners for legal, tax accounting or other advice.

We guarantee no result based on decisions taken after reading our articles, nor do we guarantee the consequences.

You therefore acknowledge that neither we nor the persons or companies that answer your question or publish an article can be held liable for the information contained in the articles or answers and you accept that the use of this information is at your own risk and liability.

The Pink Minds Media services may include advertisement, sponsoring, banners, promotional contests and other commercial messages published on its website or other communication channels, but for which the advertiser or sponsor is solely responsible, especially for all aspects of conformity with applicable laws and third party rights.

Pink Minds Media cannot be held liable for content provided by its users through reactions, reviews, discussion groups, ... Pink Minds Media cannot and does not completely verify this content before it is published. Pink Minds Media only carries liability from the moment that it is warned of the presence of illicit or infringing content, at which moment Pink Minds Media may decide to immediately remove such content without prior warning or without prior discussion with the author of such content. If Pink Minds Media sees it fit to do so or every time it is ordered to do so, it will disclose all relevant information and data relating to illicit or infringing content to the police or the competent authorities.

Under no circumstances can Pink Minds Media be held liable for immaterial or indirect damage, consequential damage or financial loss.

If the liability of Pink Minds Media is nevertheless taken into account, the total sum, to which Pink Minds Media is kept to a maximum, will be limited to € 100 per claim, insofar as permitted by the applicable law.

The above limitations or exclusions of liability apply insofar as this is possible under the applicable law and apply regardless of the liability regime including, but not limited to, the contractual liability, liability in tort, faultless liability and liability for hidden defects, and except in case of fraud or a deliberate error by Pink Minds Media.

The information, software, products and services ('Information') offered on or through this Website may not always be accurate. Pink Minds Media does not assume responsibility for the aptitude, reliability, timing or accuracy of this information. The information is offered and published without any form of guarantee. Pink Minds Media is not responsible for possible viruses and has taken all normal precautions to prevent such viruses. Pink Minds Media declines all responsibility for damage caused by such viruses. Pink Minds Media reserves the right to correct or change the information at any moment.

Booking module

The booking module which is offered by Pink Minds Media on eventplanner.ie is an online platform where advertisers (= event venues and event suppliers) can manage their agenda and pricing structure and visualise this for the visitors. By using the platform, visitors can place a booking with the advertiser based on the availability which the advertiser indicated on his online agenda.

Pink Minds Media only provides the platform to the advertiser and visitor/booker. Agreements are thus entered into by the advertiser and the visitor/booker. Pink Minds Media is under no circumstance a party in the agreement between the advertiser and visitor/booker and is therefore not accountable for the contact nor for the contract between the two parties.

A booking made by a visitor/booker will be final from the moment that the advertiser has confirmed the booking. The agreement which will subsequently be entered into by the advertiser and visitor/booker is to be agreed upon and managed by these parties themselves.

The advertiser himself is responsible for his pricing structure, agenda and their contents. Pink Minds Media offers no guarantee, neither explicitly nor implicitly, and cannot be held accountable for the security of the contents of the agenda, nor for theft, loss or damages of/to the contents of the agenda and the pricing structure. The advertiser himself should at all times provide the necessary back-ups. Moreover, the advertiser himself should at all times keep the agenda up to date. Pink Minds Media is under no circumstance responsible nor accountable for double bookings, booking errors, or errors in the agenda and/or the pricing structure of the advertiser. Therefore any complaint regarding the above should be addressed directly to the advertiser.

Ticket software

The ticketing software offered by Pink Minds Media on eventplanner.ie is an online platform where event organisers can create events, update them and make them visible to visitors/bookers and where visitors/bookers can reserve online tickets for these events and pay if necessary.

Pink Minds Media only makes the platform available to event organisers and visitors/bookers. Pink Minds Media does not create, organise or own the events listed on its platform. Agreements are thus concluded directly between the event organiser and the visitor/booker. Pink Minds Media is at no time a party to the agreement between the event organiser and the visitor/booker and is, therefore, not responsible for the contact or the contract between the two.

A booking placed by a visitor/booker will be final from the moment our platform reports that the booking has been confirmed. Immediately afterwards you will receive an email from us with your tickets. The agreement that is concluded between the event organiser and the visitor/booker must be provided and agreed upon between these parties themselves.

If you do not receive an email confirmation, receive an error message or there is an interruption of service after providing payment information, it is your responsibility as a ticket buyer to check with Pink Minds Media whether or not the order has been placed by contacting info@eventplanner.net. If you do not notify us of your non-receipt of tickets within a reasonable time (and at least 72 hours before the event), we accept no liability.

The event organiser is responsible for the correct information regarding date, location, price, nature, content and any other essential information regarding his or her event. Pink Minds Media offers no guarantee, express or implicit, and cannot be held liable for the content, the organisation or the course of the event, nor for the announcement of that event. The event organiser must at all times provide for the necessary technical and organisational measures to guarantee the smooth running of its event and the ticket sales for that event. Pink Minds Media is in no way responsible or liable for double bookings, incorrect bookings, or errors in the information provided and/or the price structure of the event organiser. Any complaint regarding the above should therefore be addressed directly to the event organiser.

eventplanner.eco label

Pink Minds Media provides on its platform (eventplanner.ie) an overview of companies active in the events industry that focus on sustainability and meet the conditions for the ecolabel of eventplanner.ie (eventplanner.eco).

By placing this information online, it is possible for every visitor to the website to check to what extent the company meets the conditions and when the eventplanner.eco label was awarded. eventplanner.ie also makes it possible to view the information posted online (completed questionnaire for certification, possible infringements, ...). The advertisers (event companies) are responsible for the accuracy, correctness, security and keeping the information and content provided by them up-to-date. eventplanner.ie only performs random checks of the information provided by the advertiser. In addition, visitors to eventplanner.ie can report abuse. Advertisers who carry the sustainability label undergo a new audit every three years. eventplanner.ie makes no warranty, express or implied, and shall not be held liable for the information and/or content provided by advertisers. eventplanner.ie can also not be held liable for theft, loss or damage to the uploaded files.


On its platform (eventplanner.ie), Pink Minds Media provides the option for advertisers (= event venues and event suppliers), to publish the licenses they possess online, including but not limited to: environmental permits, food safety, liquor licenses, taxi licenses, licenses for car rental including driver, events permits, ...

By placing this information online, it becomes possible for every user of the website to see which licenses the advertiser possesses, as well as whether the license has been uploaded and when this has happened. Pink Minds Media also enables you to view and download the documents placed online. This option is only available for .PRO members.

The advertisers themselves are responsible for the accuracy, correctness, safety and updating the information and content supplied by them. Pink Minds Media only offers the platform on which the documents can be published and viewed. Pink Minds offers no guarantee, either explicit or implicit, and is not liable for the information and/or content provided by the advertisers. Furthermore, Pink Minds Media is not liable for theft, loss or damage of/to the uploaded files. The advertisers are to provide their own back-ups at all times.

Any complaints regarding the above mentioned should be directed to the advertiser.

Creating an account - Passwords

In order to access certain parts of the website, including but not limited to the booking module, business pages, event software, ... the user needs to subscribe by creating an account. The registration form is to be filled in completely and truthfully.

It is not allowed to use someone else's identity, proxies, pseudonyms and temporary email addresses when filling in the form.

Pink Minds Media reserves the right to agree or refuse the Registration. The Registration may notably be refused on, but not limited to, the following reasons:

  • you do not provide the requested data regarding identification or you provide incomplete or incorrect data;
  • you attempt to register several times using different names;
  • you are using someone else's identity;
  • you do not meet one or several of the requirements determined in these general terms & conditions or you have failed to do so in the past;
  • Pink Minds Media can reasonably assume that you will not meet such a requirement;
  • any other reason based on which Pink Minds Media can reasonably decide to refuse your Registration.

After creating your account you will receive a password. You will need this password in order to gain access to certain parts of this website. Access to these parts without password is strictly forbidden. If you have received a password, you should keep it confidential at all times. If by accident your password is passed to other persons or if you have received a password from another person, you should notify Pink Minds Media immediately. You are responsible for all use of our services through your password login. Pink Minds Media may change your password for security reasons and may hold you liable for all damages caused by illicit, illegal or inappropriate use of your password.

By creating an account on our website, you agree that, unless explicitly stated otherwise by you, your company name and logo may be used as a reference when promoting our platform.

When creating a business page, you acknowledge that, if you later no longer wish to use the service, Pink Minds Media is not obliged to remove general company information from its platform (contact details, reviews, ...). Information that is subject to copyright can be removed.

Upload of pictures, texts, ...

User is responsible for the correctness of texts and images, titles, logos and illustrations, the mentioning of the identity of the photographer (if applicable), etc. User is responsible for all posterior changes to its content. User shall hold harmless Pink Minds Media for all claims by third parties related to content published by Pink Minds Media, including claims for infringements of intellectual property rights and/or domain names.

The user is solely responsible for his content and shall make sure that this content is not illicit, illegal or inappropriate. User is solely responsible for the content of webpages to which its content directs and for all materials related to its content. Users' responsibility includes for instance, but not limited to, product liability, copyright, respect for all regulations concerning distance sales, competitions, sales and discounts, comparative advertising and all legal consequences of publishing the content.

User guarantees that all materials delivered to Pink Minds Media are free of defects or viruses and shall be liable for all direct or indirect damages incurred by Pink Minds Media or any third party following such defects or viruses.

Your content always remains yours, but by uploading materials the user automatically entitles Pink Minds Media to use these materials for its own purposes, to reproduce them on all carriers, to edit them, reuse them and convey them to the public, for the entire duration of the copyright protection, on all known carriers and globally. By entering into an agreement (this also applies to free services such as a business page) with Pink Minds Media, the user also automatically grants Pink Minds Media the right - as far as needed - to use the trade and brand names of the user as a reference, in her own communication or as a keyword in online advertising services. The user guarantees to possess all required rights, most notably the copyrights and portrait rights, and to transfer such rights of use to Pink Minds, and that it will fully indemnify Pink Minds for any claims by third parties related to the use of the materials by Pink Minds Media.

The user is solely responsible for acquiring adequate licenses on intellectual property rights, personality rights and other third party claims with regard to creations, developments and other elements.

Use of our AI driven tools

Pink Minds Media may, from time to time, use AI driven tools to improve its service or may offer the use of AI driven tools to its users as part of its services.

When users engage with our platform, Pink Minds Media may collect non-personal telemetry, product usage, and diagnostic data in order to improve its service and may generate new statistical and analytical data based on the collected data. As a user, you understand and agree that all collected and generated data is and remains the sole property of Pink Minds Media and that such data may be used by Pink Minds Media as it deems needed, including the use as training data sets for AI based applications destined to further improve its services.

By using any AI driven tools that are part of our services, you understand and consent to Pink minds Media processing both data generated by Pink Minds Media as described above and any user generated data that you have shared by uploading or sharing it on our website or through our services for commercial purposes including but not limited to product development, analytics, quality assurance, and training AI models. Data fields explicitly identified as 'personal data' are excluded from these purposes to the extent possible.

Premium users may opt-out of the data usage for AI training by reaching out to our support team.

Your comments, reviews, posts, photos, ... on our website

  • You are and always remain responsible for the messages that you post or have placed on our website or for the information that you share with our partners via the contact forms.
  • Aggressive, unlawful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, racist, misleading, uncivilised or otherwise inappropriate or irrelevant content is not permitted.
  • You are not permitted to make personal information (such as telephone numbers, email addresses and private addresses) of yourself or others public via our website. If you would nevertheless post this information, we can not be held responsible for the spam that you might receive.
  • It is not allowed to post a message that refers or links to websites that exceed the legal boundaries and/or the limits of decency.
  • You will respect other users by not using abusive or curse words and needlessly hurtful text(s) and by not posting in any way incorrect, incomplete or misleading information about certain users or third parties. In other words, you will not deliberately place other users or third parties in a bad light.
  • You declare that the reviews you post are based on your own experience as a customer of the company concerned (you can prove this with an invoice), that this is your sincere opinion, that you do not have a personal link with the company and that you write the review voluntarily and do not receive any compensation for this. You understand that Pink Minds Media has a zero tolerance policy in terms of 'fake reviews' and that an account is created to post reviews.
  • It is not allowed to place advertisements on our website or to promote any kind of commercial or non-commercial companies or to use hyperlinks to websites without our prior consent. This also applies to the contact forms of event companies and venues on our website. These can only be used for requesting quotations. You understand that when using the forms, an account is created in order to carry out the action.
  • It is not allowed to place photos (or other images) of others and/or companies on our website without their prior permission.
  • You may only post text or images of which you have the copyright or for which you have the permission to make these contributions publicly available and to reproduce them electronically. This also applies to photos that are shown, for example, when sharing a link in a post.
  • More generally: no content that may cause direct or indirect damage to Pink Minds Media, the companies affiliated with Pink Minds Media, other service providers, distributors, customers of Pink Minds Media or any third party or visitor, unlawfully or in any way whatsoever from the website.
  • Your messages can be moderated by us after their publication on our website. If these messages are deemed undesirable, inappropriate, unauthorised or in any way not complying with these terms of use or an applicable legal regulation, or for any other reason to their own interpretation and discretion, the moderator may decide that your message will not be posted in full or in part.

Reviews for event companies and venues

By creating a business page at eventplanner.ie you acknowledge our review and review appeal procedures.

Limitation of liability

The website and all services delivered through it by Pink Minds Media are delivered 'as is' and 'as available'. We make no guarantees about availability, fitness for a particular purpose or any other expectation. We pay the utmost attention and care to the content of our website. However, this content is subject to change, can be removed at any time and is offered to you without explicit or implicit guarantees regarding its correctness. We are not liable for any damages resulting from the use of the content on our website, whether it is correct or incorrect, nor for damage caused by using or distributing this content. Pink Minds Media denies any liability for content, software, links or applications that are placed or passed on by users on the website. Pink Minds Media is furthermore not liable for any direct or indirect, material or immaterial damage as a result of the removal or not being able to store content that is placed or passed on by users - including yourself.

Pink Minds Media is doing its utmost to make its websites and tools available to its visitors and customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is a best efforts commitment from Pink Minds Media. Given the technical characteristics of smartphones, computers, websites and the internet and the need for periodic maintenance, updates and upgrades, Pink Minds Media can not guarantee uninterrupted access to the website. Pink Minds Media will endeavour to remedy the reasonable cases of cancellation or suspension of access as quickly as possible. Interruptions or disruptions are specific to the services via the internet and can not therefore be regarded as shortcomings by Pink Minds Media and will not lead to any compensation by Pink Minds Media.

A cancellation and/or suspension, as well as the failure to process bookings, the temporary unavailability of services or information and/or the loss of data, can be caused by technical problems such as, but not limited to, a server crash or an error, bug, virus or hacking, which can cause problems on the website. Such problems are specific to providing this type of service and can in no way be equated with the failure of Pink Minds Media. They will in no way be able to result in a fine or compensation for Pink Minds Media. Pink Minds Media will also not be liable for any direct or indirect damage to third parties, regardless of the reason.

We moderate, through the intervention of moderators, posted messages and articles in a best effort way. We also have a range of sanctions available in case we find an infringement of our terms of use. We emphasise, however, that we are not liable for the content of published messages, questions and articles. The content of published messages, questions and articles is therefore made available to you without explicit or implicit guarantees regarding its correctness. We are not liable for any damages resulting from the use of this content, whether it is correct or incorrect, nor for damage caused by using or distributing this content.

We do not guarantee that published messages, questions and articles do not infringe the rights of third parties, nor that the messages and answers are correct, complete and up-to-date. We decline all liability for the content of published messages, questions and articles that come from our partners, and that would not prove to be correct or that would appear to conflict with the rights of third parties, with applicable laws or with the public order and good morals. If you determine the presence of such content, you must inform us of this without delay, so that we can take the appropriate measures.


Pink Minds Media reserves the right, in its own estimation, to deny visitors access to, or the use of, its website and / or services.

The refusal may for example, but not limited to, have the following reasons:

  • The visitor does not fulfil one or more of the obligations in these terms and conditions, has not previously complied with it or Pink Minds Media can reasonably assume that the visitor will not meet these obligations in the future
  • Another reason on the basis of which Pink Minds Media can reasonably be of the opinion that access must be refused.

Force majeure

In case of force majeure, Pink Minds Media is not obliged to comply with its obligations. In that case, Pink Minds Media can suspend its obligations for the duration of the force majeure, or terminate the agreement definitively. Force majeure is any circumstance beyond the will and control of Pink Minds Media, which prevents the fulfilment of its obligations in whole or in part. This includes: strikes, fire, business failures, machine defects, computer failures, system errors, power failures, (D)DoS-attacks, hacking, disruptions in a (telecommunications) network or connection or used communication systems and / or the unavailability of the website at any time, ...

General Terms of Sale

Pink Minds Media's general terms of sale are applicable (also for free products such as the free business pages, ebooks, downloads, event software, ...).

We appreciate the trust you have put in Pink Minds Media and take your rights seriously. These terms of sale apply to our website. By using this website, you agree to these general terms of sale, which will be binding and applicable to you. To place an order you should be 18 years or older. If you are younger we ask you to get the order placed by your parents or legal guardian. Beside these general terms of sale, also our other terms on this page are applicable.

On our website you will find the most recent version of our General Terms and Conditions, which you can always save or print. We recommend that you always do this.

Products on offer

All products offered through our web shop, booking module and our ticketing software are described as completely as possible and in good faith. If we use images, they are a true representation of the goods and/or services offered. However, to err is human and if we have obviously made a mistake, we are not obliged to deliver to you. Please note: in our ticketing module it is the event organisers, and in our booking module the event companies, who provide the content and description of their offer. Pink Minds Media does not check event announcements and does not bear any responsibility or liability for their content. The offers and prices are valid on the day when they are offered on our website and for the period stated in our flyers, leaflets, ... The prices indicated in our web shop (eventplanner.net/shop/), booking module and our ticketing software are inclusive of VAT, the rates for advertisers are always exclusive of VAT. Pink Minds Media cannot be held liable for (printing) errors that occur in its offers.

Pink Minds Media does not create, organise or own the events listed on its eventplanner.net platform. If you order tickets via our ticketing software, you enter into an agreement directly with the event organiser via the intervention of Pink Minds Media, which makes tickets available on behalf of the provider. Pink Minds Media itself does not act as a provider as such.

Agreement and order

You (the client) enter into a binding legal agreement with Pink Minds Media (the vendor) as soon as Pink Minds Media confirms reception of your order through its website. Pink Minds Media may however decide to submit its agreement to other conditions in case of, e.g. large orders or payment in advance, orders made by underaged or in the event of unpaid prior orders.

To place an order, you must be at least 16 years old. If you are not 16, we ask that your parents or legal guardian place the order. If we notice that an order has been placed by a minor, we can refuse this order.

Creating a user account

You can order by creating a user account or via our guest checkout. When creating a user account, you undertake to keep your chosen password secret and to take appropriate measures to prevent third parties from becoming aware of it. Creating more than one user account for the same natural or legal person is not permitted. The user account is non-transferable. More information about creating an account on our platform can be found above.

Our offer and your order

If an offer has only a limited period of validity or is subject to certain conditions, we will expressly state this in the offer. Please note: when tickets are sold via our ticketing software it is the event organisers, and in our booking module the event companies, who provide the content and description of their offer. Pink Minds Media does not check event announcements and does not bear any responsibility or liability for their content.

We always describe the services offered and how the ordering process will proceed as completely and accurately as possible. In any case, the description is sufficiently detailed to allow you to make a good assessment. If we use images, these are a true representation of the services offered. In the event of an error regarding this description or images, we or our providers are not obliged to deliver to you.


Prices do not change during the period stated in the offer, except for price changes due to changes in VAT rates.

Our prices include all taxes, VAT, duties and services. So you will never be faced with surprises. We may, however, decide to charge shipping costs, additional service costs and/or transaction costs in addition to the purchase price. In that case, we will always report this before you finalise your purchase.

We can only receive payments through the payment modules offered on our website. After payment confirmation, you will receive your order.

To guarantee a secure online payment and the safety of your personal data, the transaction data is sent encrypted with SSL technology over the internet. You do not need any special software to pay with SSL. You can recognize a secure SSL connection by the 'lock' in the lower status bar of your browser.

You can always request an invoice for your purchases during the ordering process or contact the responsible event organiser directly in case you bought tickets for an event.


Physical goods will be either shipped at your (the customer's) expense to the address provided by you when placing the order, or will be made ready for collection at our office in Weelde (Belgium). If you choose to collect, we will contact you as soon as possible to make an appointment for a time when this is possible. For digital files such as eBooks and digital tickets you will receive a download link by e-mail and no physical delivery will follow. Pink Minds Media does its utmost to ensure that you receive your order as soon as possible. Indicated delivery times are purely indicative and Pink Minds Media cannot be held liable for any delays. If we really cannot deliver for any reason, the agreement will be dissolved by operation of law and we will refund your order. In the case of partial delivery, each delivery will be regarded as a separate sale.

If your order is lost or damaged during delivery, you must notify us as soon as possible and in any case within 3 weeks after you received a confirmation of shipment by e-mail or via order status on the site. Pink Minds Media reserves the right to refuse your request if it does not reach us within this period. You can send your notification of non-receipt to info@eventplanner.net


Digital files such as eBooks (.pdf, .ePub, ...), ... are protected by copyright laws. It is therefore forbidden to copy such files in part or in whole, to adapt them or to incorporate parts of them into other works. It is forbidden to spread these files or to make them public. It is therefore forbidden to spread copies (even for free), to upload the files to internet or to rent out the files. All digital files downloaded through our website contain visible and invisible fingerprints that allow us to track the spreading of the files. Infringements will be prosecuted immediately.

Ticket software

With regard to our ticketing software, the event organisers are responsible for the correctness of their offer on our website. Details of the events such as content, time, capacity, experience and description come from the event organisers without Pink Minds Media being liable for this.

As a buyer of tickets for an event, you are responsible for checking whether the event has been cancelled and for any changes such as the date and location of the event. If an event organiser informs us that an event is being cancelled or moved, we will of course do our best to inform you of this via a notification on the event page on our website. However, the responsibility to contact you in a timely manner by e-mail or telephone remains solely with the event organiser and any notifications on the event page are purely informative and not binding on our part.

To purchase a ticket, add the ticket to your shopping cart. Afterwards you create your personal account or enter your contact details and billing information without creating an account. In the last step you get an overview page, you accept our terms and conditions and you confirm your payment by pressing the order button with payment obligation. Once you have completed these steps, your purchase is final.

Attention! The resale of concert tickets is severely restricted or even banned in many countries. If you buy tickets through our ticketing software and resell them later, this may mean that you yourself commit a criminal offense and that the buyer is denied access to the event. In such a case, Pink Minds Media is in no way liable towards you or towards the buyer and requires full compensation for all direct and indirect damage that it suffers, including but not limited to claims from the event organizer. your stories. If you wish to resell or transfer the purchased tickets, it is best to contact the event organiser in advance to check whether such resale or transfer is permitted in your case or not.

Attention! Some events inherently involve risk, and by participating in these events you choose to voluntarily assume those risks. For example, some events carry the risk of illness, injury, disability or death, and you voluntarily and knowingly assume this risk by participating in these events.

Right of withdrawal

For our European buyers:

This article does not apply to professional buyers.

If you purchase goods or services on our website as a consumer and you have your place of residence or principal residence in the European Union or the provider of the goods or services has its registered office in the European Union, you have, subject to the exceptions listed below, a period of 14 days the right to decide that you do not want to keep the goods or services. This period of 14 days starts from the delivery (for the purchase of goods) or from the conclusion of the agreement (for the purchase of services). You can then return your order, without paying compensation and without having to give a reason (you pay the shipping costs yourself).

You must return the goods to us within 14 days of informing us that you wish to withdraw from the contract. The costs of returning the goods are for your account.

We will refund you the full purchase price within 14 days after we have received the goods or until you have proven that you have returned the goods, whichever comes first.

The refund includes the delivery costs, unless you have chosen a different delivery method than the cheapest standard delivery offered by us with your order. The refund is made with the same payment method you used to complete the order.

During the first 14 days after delivery, we expect you to handle the order and the packaging with care. If you still want to be able to return the goods, you may only unpack or use them to the extent necessary to assess whether you wish to keep them (as you could do in a store). For example, purchased goods may be tried out, but not used. If you return the goods, this must be done with all delivered accessories, in their original condition, if possible together with the original packaging, and taking into account our instructions.

If you go beyond what was necessary to assess the properties of the goods and the good has been reduced in value as a result, we may apply a proportionate reduction in value to the refund.

You can exercise your right of withdrawal by sending an email to info@eventplanner.net

You lose the right of withdrawal for our services if you have expressly consented to the start of the performance and we have fully performed the services.

You have no right of withdrawal on our e-books and other digital files that are personalised so that you can consult the full digital content after your purchase.

You also have no right of withdrawal for purchased tickets if they are for a specific date or period. In the event of loss or theft of the tickets, they will not be refunded or exchanged. After contacting our customer service, we can always resend the tickets electronically. If the provider cannot perform the agreed service, you can claim a refund of a purchase. In that case, you as a customer can only claim the refund with regard to the relevant provider and not with regard to Pink Minds Media. If the provider agrees to refund a fee, the provider can also handle the refund via Pink Minds Media. In order to simplify the process for the user, it is recommended that communication takes place via Pink Minds Media.

In the event that the provider cannot perform the agreed service due to force majeure as stipulated in article 7 of the general terms and conditions, a voucher for the identical product will be offered to customers with Belgian nationality. Foreign nationals will receive a full refund.

For buyers outside the European Union:

Different rules may apply to the purchases you make via our website with regard to returns and cancellations. To the extent that these rules would be against Pink Minds Media as a Belgian company, we naturally commit ourselves to respect them. In the absence of deviating rules, we apply the same returns and cancellation policies as set out above for our European buyers.


Unless agreed differently we only accept upfront payments through our website and our ticket software. In the exceptional case payment by invoice is allowed, the following terms are applicable. All invoices are payable within 14 days at Pink Minds Media's registered offices. Any delay in payment within 14 days, shall give rise automatically, without prior formal notice or without prior court intervention, to interest 1% per started month and to a lump sum damage compensation of 15% of the invoiced amounts with a minimum of 125 euro by way of compensation for administrative and other costs. All costs related to debt recovery, both inside and outside court proceedings shall be reimbursed by the client. Any delay in payment of one invoice shall make all other invoices payable immediately.


If you opt for this when ordering, you will receive an invoice from Pink Minds Media or, in the case of purchasing event tickets, from the event organiser, with your payment confirmation. Invoices can only be issued when we are in possession of correct billing information. It is not possible to create an invoice afterwards for orders for which no invoice has been requested.

Disputes of invoices must be made within 5 working days after receipt of the invoice. Lack of response within five working days implies final acceptance of the invoice concerned. Unless stipulated otherwise, all invoices are payable no later than 14 days after the invoice date at the registered office of Pink Minds Media, regardless of any pending complaints or the manifestation thereof. In case of non-payment of an invoice on the due date, Pink Minds Media is also entitled by operation of law and without prior notice of default, at its own discretion, to suspend the delivery of the service until all outstanding accounts - including the interest and the fixed compensation - were settled or to dissolve the agreement with you by operation of law, without prior notice of default and without further notice.

Force majeure and liability

In case of force majeure, we are not obliged to fulfil our obligations. In that case we may either suspend our obligations for the duration of the state of force majeure or definitely repudiate the agreement.

We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information on the offer available on our website. Nor is Pink Minds Media responsible for the negligence of the event organisers who offer tickets in our ticketing software, the experience, description of the service, ... We can receive complaints about this and inform the provider, who is responsible for the information regarding the content, experience and description of the service.

Under no circumstances can we be held liable for any damage that may result from the information that the provider makes available to the customer.

With regard to the sale of event tickets, Pink Minds Media is not the seller. We are not liable for the content of the offer on the event page, nor for the provision or performance of the service itself. For complaints about the purchase of tickets and the course of events, you can only contact the organiser directly.

Applicable law

See at the bottom of this page.

For distance sales, in addition to our general jurisdiction clauses and choice of law clauses, the following applies:

By way of Alternative Dispute Resolution measure, the Service de Médiation des Consommateurs of the Belgian SPF Economie has been appointed to receive all demands of out of court settlement of consumer disputes. The Service will intervene directly or transfer your complaint to the appropriate service. You can contact the Service de Médiation des Consommateurs via this link: www.mediationconsommateur.be/en/

In case of cross border dispute, you can contact the 'Online Dispute Resolution' platform of the European Union via this link: ec.europa.eu/odr

Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or conditions or the limitation or exclusion of liability for loss or damage caused by wilful act, negligence, breach of contract or breach of implied terms or for incidental or consequential damages. Only the liability and other limitations of liability which are lawful in your jurisdiction (if any) shall apply to you and our liability shall be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law.

General terms and conditions of eventplanner.PRO

We thank you for your purchase of your eventplanner.ie membership (hereafter named 'the website').

The membership is a service offered by Pink Minds Media in addition to the freely available parts of its websites, whereby you are provided with additional services via a closed part of the website and via a physical membership card, in exchange for the payment of the subscription fee.

Read these Terms of Use carefully. They contain the conditions for access to and use of our website and of the membership.

Upon your registration, you will be asked to confirm that you have taken note of these terms of use and that you accept their content as binding.

The latest version of the terms of use are available at all times on the website.

1. membership service

In exchange for paying the membership fee and for the duration of, Pink Minds Media grants you the membership, with the associated conditions.

The nature and content of the benefits associated with your membership may vary and be adjusted at any time by Pink Minds Media. A recent list of current benefits is available on the website at any time.

Are included in your membership at least:

  • Unlimited access to the integral content and articles that appear on the website
  • Exclusive discounts and special offers from our selected partners, as proposed on our website

2. Applicability and binding force

These terms of use apply to every use of our website and to any use of the membership card. Please note: our partners may impose other terms and conditions. By visiting our website and completing the registration form, you declare that you have taken note of these terms of use and that you accept their content as binding.

3. Use the website and the membership card

3.1. Pink Minds Media reserves the right

Pink Minds Media reserves the right to unilaterally, immediately, definitively and without prior notice, the access for visitors who do not comply with the current terms of use and privacy policy of the website, as well as to suspend or withdraw the membership and the validity of the membership card.

3.2. You commit yourself by using the website and the membership card to:

  • Use the website and the membership card in accordance with these terms of use and the privacy policy;
  • You behave as a responsible and careful internet user and subscriber;
  • Not to perform any actions that may harm us in any way whatsoever;
  • Report any, even potential, breach of the security of the website, the membership card or the rights of third parties to us immediately;
  • Not to violate, copy, distribute, sell, transfer the technical security measures set on the website as well as the code and login, to third parties or to misuse yourself;
  • Do not disturb in any way the access to and use of the website;
  • Safely protect your data, your software and your IT and telecommunication installations against viruses and all other possible risks, including computer hacking.

3.3. The membership and your membership card are strictly personal.

Username, password and membership card may not be passed on to third parties or made available to third parties. This also applies to all services and benefits offered through the membership. Your membership card remains the property of Pink Minds Media at all times. On our first request you must return it by mail to Pink Minds Media at the address described above.

4. Your registration

4.1. To become a member, you must enter your personal data or company details on the registration form available on our website. The registration form must be filled in completely and truthfully. Accounts associated with any incomplete or incorrect registration can be closed unilaterally, immediately, definitively and without prior notice.

4.2. The use of someone else's identity or company name is not permitted. The use of more than one (1) username is not permitted. You are not allowed to use proxies and temporary email addresses.

4.3. When registering, you must declare your agreement with the current terms of use, privacy policy and cookie policy of the website by checking the box provided for that purpose.

4.4. We reserve the right to accept the registration or not. The registration can be refused, but not exclusively, for the following reasons:

  • You do not provide the requested data for identification;
  • You fail to comply with any of the obligations set out in these terms of use or in the privacy policy or did this in the past for other services with us, or we can reasonably assume that you will not comply with such obligation;
  • Any other reason on the basis of which we can reasonably conclude that the registration can not be accepted.

4.5. From the moment your registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation email from us. As soon as your membership fee has been paid, your membership will be activated and you will receive your membership card from us by mail.

5. Duration of the membership agreement and termination

5.1. Your membership agreement is entered into for a fixed term. It starts at the date of signing and ends after expiry of the chosen period.

5.2. Your membership agreement is tacitly renewed for consecutive periods of the same term each time, and insofar as you opted for recurring payments. If you did not opt ​​for an automatic prolongation, you will receive an email with an invitation to renew your membership via our website.

5.3. Pink Minds Media is entitled to dissolve the agreement immediately and without any prior notice of default being required, but only in the following cases:

  • in case of fraud on your part
  • in the event of gross misconduct or gross negligence on your part, if you fail to rectify your breach within 15 days of written notice by Pink Minds Media;
  • in case your company is declared bankrupt or liquidated, or if your company would be involved in a collective debt settlement.

6. Partner contact forms

6.1. Some of our partners offer services to our members at preferential rates through our website. If this is the case, we provide a contact form to the partner in question on our website. You will be in contact directly with the partner via this contact form and Pink Minds Media will not intervene in your relationship with this partner.

6.2. Pink Minds Media does not accept any liability for the content of the advice or the services that our partners provide you or for the contacts that arise between you and the partner. Pink Minds Media is not a party to any agreement between you and the partner and can not be held liable by the partner or by you for any shortcoming or error on the part of the partner. All provided services and advice are granted under the exclusive liability and responsibility of our partner and only they are liable in case of problems or shortcomings.

6.3. All invoicing of services provided by the partner to you will be made directly by the partner to you. Pink Minds Media is not responsible for payment, nor for re-invoicing any service.

6.4. With regard to you, we expect the partner to always offer a high level of service and follow-up, to respond quickly and carefully to forwarded requests and, in general, to ensure that you are offered a quality service. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the services of our partners, please do not hesitate to contact us. After all, we continuously improve the services provided by our partners, even though we are not a party ourselves and we do not accept any liability for shortcomings.

eventplanner.ie ticket software

The 'eventplanner.ie ticketing software' is a digital platform where event organisers can offer tickets for events organised by them and is part of the event software we offer organisers. The ticketing software consists of a standard functionality, which everyone can register for free, and a premium functionality, which is reserved for eventplanner.PRO members.

How does the ticket software work?

Pink Minds Media offers a service via the digital platform with which event organisers can offer e-tickets for professional, cultural, sporting, private or recreational events, whereby visitors to the platform can purchase them or purchase them free of charge.

Every event organiser must create an account on the platform before they can offer tickets on the platform. The event organiser manages the offer via the created account and is at all times fully responsible for the use of the account and for those who access the account.

An agreement is concluded between the event organiser and the buyer for the provision of the services (cultural and recreational activities). The event organiser acknowledges that the platform is not a party to this agreement.

The event organisers are responsible for the products/services they offer on the platform. The general terms and conditions of use of the platform apply to all agreements concluded between the event organiser and the buyer.

Pink Minds Media limits itself to providing event organisers with the services of the platform, as stipulated in this agreement.

Activating an organiser account (event & ticket software)

Every event organiser must create an account on the platform before being able to sell tickets via the platform and manage the offer. The event organiser must truthfully enter the following information when creating an account:

  • company name of the event organiser
  • surname and first name of the contact person (the person responsible for the sales account)
  • address
  • VAT number
  • phone number
  • persons/employees responsible for project management

It is not allowed to use someone else's identity, proxies and temporary e-mail addresses.

In order to use our event software (and therefore the ticketing software) you must be authorised to enter into agreements on behalf of yourself or the entity organising the event and using the software, comply with our terms and conditions and all applicable laws, and agree to the Stripe terms and conditions (Stripe Connected Account Agreement and Stripe Service Agreement - Stripe may change these terms over time). Stripe is our payment partner who will process payments when selling your tickets and is also responsible for the KYC (Know Your Customer) obligations. So Stripe Inc. (Stripe) will verify that you are who you say you are, can act on behalf of that entity and receive payments.

After accepting the current agreement, the event organiser can register on the platform. The event organiser is responsible for managing the account, including for the offer, and is committed to regularly updating its data.

The event organiser acknowledges that Pink Minds Media cannot immediately put the posted offer (when creating a new type of offer) online on the platform, but does this within 72 hours, for example to carry out checks for optimal indexing in our search engine.

Payments and payouts

As indicated above, all payments are processed by Stripe. You agree to the terms and conditions that Stripe uses for this: Stripe Connected Account Agreement and Stripe Service Agreement (Stripe may change these terms over time).

You may need to enter into an additional agreement directly with our payment processing partner or with certain credit card issuers. This usually happens when your transactions exceed $100,000 on an annual basis for a particular credit card in a particular geographic area. If this additional condition applies to you, we will contact you to complete the necessary administration to allow you to continue receiving payouts. If you do not agree to those administrative requirements, we may suspend or terminate your account.

All ticket sales revenues received through Stripe, less payment, cancellation, and transaction fees, are paid directly to you as the event organiser by Stripe. Pink Minds Media is under no circumstances liable for delayed, refused or missed payments. Together with our payment partner Stripe, we do everything we can to deliver your payment as quickly as possible via the payment method you have chosen in the Stripe Dashboard. Stripe may set transaction limits for security reasons. If that is the case, this is beyond the control and authority of Pink Minds Media. We and our payment partner rely on the payment information you share, such as account and card numbers. If this information is incorrect, you are liable to Pink Minds Media and Stripe for all direct and indirect costs, damage and reimbursement of the sums caused.

Pink Minds Media has the right to withhold a percentage of the fees in order to establish a reserve necessary to secure the performance of the organiser's obligations or to protect Pink Minds Media against fraudulent or erroneous activities. This right to hold a reserve applies until the organiser has fulfilled all its obligations under any applicable agreements with Pink Minds Media or Pink Minds Media has otherwise provided sufficient security for such obligations. As an organiser, you are solely responsible, to the exclusion of Pink Minds Media and Stripe, for any necessary refunds to buyers and for all buyer complaints, reports of fraud and other incidents associated with your event and the sale of tickets for that event through our ticketing software. You indemnify Pink Minds Media against all direct and indirect damage that Pink Minds Media may suffer as a result of reimbursement demands by buyers.

If your event is cancelled, regardless of the reason for this and even in the event of force majeure, or if you do not fulfil your obligations towards the buyers and/or towards Pink Minds Media and Stripe, you will automatically and without prior notice lose any claim to payment of ticketing revenues. As an organiser, you are, with the exclusion of Pink Minds Media and Stripe, solely and fully liable for cancellation requests and any associated costs.

Each ticket offer is made in the currency of the event organiser's choice, to be chosen from the available currency on our platform. Our ticketing software does not offer simultaneous payment in different currencies and exchange rate risks with a purchase in foreign currency are fully borne by the event organiser.

As the organiser, you are solely responsible for credit card chargebacks and other transactions of your event. For example, chargebacks can occur when a consumer disputes a payment. You are therefore responsible for the immediate and full payment to us and our payment partner of any chargebacks, including payment and transaction costs, refund costs and any fines. As an organiser you must also always comply with the rules of the payment systems that are used.

For clarification: Pink Minds Media does not provide banking services. When a buyer makes a payment through our payment partner Stripe, this payment is made directly to you. The agreement is concluded directly between you and the buyer and Pink Minds Media only facilitates the service. This means that you are responsible for the provision of the advertised services, refunds in case of cancellations, respecting consumer legislation and all other aspects of the contractual relationship between you and the buyer, ...

The balances we show are amounts received by our payment partner Stripe and are only for reporting without any rights being acquired.

Rates for using the ticket software

As an organiser, you pay service costs to our payment partner Stripe for the processing of payments. An overview of these costs can be found on the Stripe rates page. Attention! There are also costs for cancellations, refunds, ... that are always due.

For the use of our ticketing software, as an event organiser, you pay Pink Minds Media a commission of 1 euro (excl. VAT) per ticket sold. This commission is not refundable, not even in the event of a cancelled purchase, a refund by the buyer or cancellation of the event.

A sales price below 6 € is not allowed on our platform.

Obligations of Pink Minds Media

Pink Minds Media is not a provider of the events itself, but acts as an intermediary and facilitator between the buyer and the event organiser. An order on the platform is binding for both the event organiser and the buyer.

Pink Minds Media is exclusively limited to providing services related to the use of the sales platform, i.e. the ticket ordering procedure, administrative processing & financial reporting, helpdesk, customer care & marketing of the platform as a whole.

Pink Minds Media is under no circumstances responsible or liable for the correctness of the information provided by the event organisers (including with regard to tickets, time, capacity, price, validity, ...), nor for the correct execution of the agreement (delivering the events).

Pink Minds Media only hosts the platform and takes care of the order procedure, layout and design of the platform. Pink Minds Media will make every reasonable effort for optimal user convenience and pursues a policy aimed at the continuity of the availability of the platform. For example, Pink Minds Media will make every effort to provide access to the platform 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, taking into account the technical characteristics of the internet and the need to carry out periodic maintenance, update or upgrade work. In the event of an interruption or disruption of access to the platform, Pink Minds Media will make every reasonable effort to repair this interruption.

If Pink Minds Media becomes aware of an unauthorised activity or unauthorised information on the platform, Pink Minds Media undertakes to make the relevant data inaccessible and, if it concerns a criminal offense, to immediately communicate this information to the public prosecutor's office. Pink Minds Media reserves the right (but without being obliged to do so or having any liability) to block, modify and/or remove access to the account or the information posted by the event organiser in the event that this is unlawful, offensive, bothersome, inappropriate.

Pink Minds Media undertakes to offer the services of the platform and to manage the administrative process, including the ordering procedure, payment via Stripe and invoicing of the purchase via the platform. This helpdesk function is limited solely to the sales function of the platform. If Pink Minds Media receives requests or complaints that are not related to the operation of the platform, it will immediately inform the event organiser and the event organiser must offer a further solution.

Obligations of the event organiser

By creating an account, the event organiser declares to use the platform in good faith, in accordance with the terms of the agreement and in accordance with the applicable legal or regulatory provisions (including, but not limited to, the regulations on the protection of privacy , social obligations and work-related obligations, intellectual property and fair competition).

It is the sole responsibility of the event organiser to organise the events offered in accordance with the legal provisions at the place where the event takes place (including obtaining the necessary permits and licenses), applying the correct VAT rate (and applying for a local VAT number if applicable), paying VAT, social contributions and taxes, ...

The event organiser acknowledges that Pink Minds Media acts as a facilitator and intermediary for the sale of tickets of the event organisers. An order on the platform creates a binding agreement directly between the event organiser and the buyer. The event organiser is obliged to implement the agreement that is concluded with the buyer via the platform and indemnifies Pink Minds Media against any claim arising from the conclusion or implementation of the agreement.

Each event organiser is responsible for managing its own account and the offers it places on it. The event organiser acknowledges that it can only post an offer that is not yet available on the platform. Under no circumstances is it allowed to post two identical offers on the platform at the same time. In case of identical offers, Pink Minds Media reserves the right to block and/or remove offers from the platform.

Each event organiser is responsible for the correctness of the information in his or her sales account and the tickets they offer, as well as for the execution of the agreement when purchasing via the platform.

All information provided by the event organiser must be truthful, accurate and complete.

All sales are ultimately made by you, and the consumers are your customers. You are responsible for funding and processing refunds. Regardless of the selected payment method, all disputes regarding refunds will be settled between you and your consumers. In the event of a dispute, we can try to mediate, but it is ultimately your duty to resolve the dispute.

Furthermore, you are solely responsible for ensuring that the tickets for your events are correct and that only valid tickets are accepted. We are not responsible for any fake or invalid tickets, or any costs associated with your decision to accept or decline tickets.

You are required to establish a transparent refund policy and communicate it to buyers before each event by uploading the refund policy on our site. Please note that Pink Minds Media is not responsible for any refund to buyers of tickets for your event. That is solely your responsibility and Pink Minds Media will therefore always refer buyers to you as the event organiser. Also keep in mind that Pink Minds Media does not refund its commission on sold tickets, neither to you nor to the buyer, regardless of the cause of the refund.

Pink Minds Media may approve or deny registrations for the ticketing software, restrict, suspend or terminate access to the ticketing software and/or set transaction limits on payouts, at any time, for any reason and with or without notice. We may also change these terms at any time. If the platform receives complaints about the service and/or tickets purchased from the event organisers, Pink Minds Media will immediately forward the complaint to the event organiser involved, who is obliged to act on the complaint within five working days.

By creating an account you represent and warrant that:

  • you are not located in and are not a citizen or resident of any country to which the United States, United Kingdom, European Union, Australia or Canada has embargoed goods and/or services similar to those offered;
  • you are not included in the MasterCard MATCH database of terminated merchants or Visa's terminated merchants file and your right to access any card scheme and any other alternative payment framework is not currently revoked or suspended.
  • you will not create events that violate or help promote the violation of any applicable local, state, provincial, national or other law, rule or regulation; are prohibited under the rules for payment systems; are contrary to public order and good morals, infringe the rights of third parties. Also, you must have our prior written permission to post events in Cuba or Russia, as additional licensing requirements may apply.

Pink Minds Media cannot process any of the following transactions and the event organiser undertakes not to create events that could lead to transactions that are in violation of or considered a 'high risk' (or other restricted category) according to the Payment System Rules, including any transaction related to certain adult content or activities, illegal goods or services (including cannabis), props associated with illegal goods or services, the purchase of crypto-currencies, raffles, sweepstakes or games of chance; constitute a fraudulent or criminal transaction; US transactions that are a 'restricted transaction' as defined in the Unlawful Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 or Regulation GG.


Without prejudice to the liability clauses in the general terms and conditions of Pink Minds Media; the following additionally applies in the context of the ticketing module:

The event organiser is responsible and liable for the correctness, use and management of his account. Pink Minds Media cannot be held liable for, among other things (but not limited to):

  • the performance of the contractual obligations and the delivery of the events and the damage that would result from this;
  • the correctness of information about the offer and the experience thereof;
  • the obligations regarding the General Data Protection Regulation and the Belgian Act of 30 August 2018 on the protection of personal data or any other local legislation with similar obligations.

Pink Minds Media is not liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, immaterial or consequential damages (including lost profits) resulting from the use of the platform. Nor is Pink Minds Media responsible for the use of the platform beyond its control, including (but not limited to):

  • direct or indirect damage resulting from the improper functioning of the platform due to technical malfunctions, defects, viruses, unless there is intent or gross error on the part of Pink Minds Media;
  • orders placed by buyers based on illegally obtained payment details, for example through 'phishing', identity theft, etc.;
  • misuse of the platform;
  • claims from third parties in connection with the use of the platform;
  • information regarding the tickets offered and the complaints that follow from this;
  • the inability to fulfill its obligations due to force majeure. Force majeure applies to any unforeseeable, unavoidable event that makes the execution of the agreement wholly or partially impossible. This includes (non-exhaustive list): strikes, fire, epidemic or pandemic, flood, business failures, power failures, failures in a (telecommunication) network or connection or used communication systems.

eventplanner.ie referral program

This 'eventplanner.ie referral program' (hereafter the Referral program) was developed by Pink Minds Media bv (hereafter 'Pink Minds Media', 'we' or 'us') to reward our loyal customers for what they often do anyway, recommend eventplanner.ie to event venues and companies befriended. But also the business relations that you refer to us are rewarded.

How does the program work?

1. Referring organisers to our event software

At eventplanner.ie, we create the most innovative event software to help our users organise impactful events. You can support our growth by recommending our software to other organisers and event companies. Whether you write blog posts, share on social media, or simply send a link to friends, your efforts can make a difference. As an eventplanner.ie user, you earn coins as credit through our referral program. You will receive these coins every time your personal Referral Link (hereinafter 'Referral Link') is used to create a new account and make an initial purchase of our event software license(s).

When an organiser signs up and purchases our event software through your Referral Link, you will receive 50% of the invoice amount (excluding VAT) from their initial purchase in 'coins' added to your account (see also general terms and conditions of use). Each coin corresponds to 1 euro. You can use the accumulated coins to purchase additional software licenses or to promote your event business on our platform.

2. Referring event businesses for advertising

At eventplanner.ie we build the smartest marketing platform for event companies and venues. We help these companies grow through our powerful tools. You can help us grow by recommending our site to fellow event companies. As a eventplanner.ie advertiser you earn coins as credit with the referral program. You will receive these coins every time your personal Referral Link (hereinafter 'Referral Link') is used to create a new account with a business page on our site. Each coin corresponds to 1 euro and can therefore be used as a discount. You can use the accumulated coins for ad campaigns for your own event company or venue on eventplanner.ie or exchange them for .PRO licence(s) for our event software.

When a new event venue or company signs up for a business page via your Referral Link, your relation will be offered a 3 months free upgrade to a premium business page! You immediately receive 15 'coins' on your account as soon as the business page of your business relationship is approved by us (see also general terms and conditions of use), even if they opt for a free listing. If the company you bring in chooses to immediately become a paying customer of eventplanner.ie at the time of creating its business page (with a recurring payment created online), you will receive at the moment of the first three payments 50% of the invoice amount (ex VAT) from us in 'coins' added to your account.

Some examples:

  • For example, if the advertised advertiser opts for an XL business page with annual payment (595 euros per year (excl. VAT)), you will receive 15 + 3x 297.5 = 907.5 coins spread over 3 years and 3 months (trial period) time.
  • If the referred advertiser opts for a monthly medium business page of 35 euros, you will receive 15+ 3x 17.5 = 67.5 coins in your account over a period of 6 months (3 trial + the 3 consecutive months). Provided, of course, that the applied event company stays on hand throughout the period and pays the invoices.
  • If the applied event company opts for a free business page or downgrades it before the first renewal, you will receive the 15 coins for applying the user anyway.

Log in to your account and go to the dedicated referral page to share your Referral Link and track your referral coins balance.

In good faith

We introduce programs like this in good faith and expect them to be handled with the same care. We reserve the right not to award coins if we suspect referrals are acting contrary to the intent of this program. For the avoidance of doubt, commercialising, advertising, mass distribution, selling, or paying for the use of Referral Links is not appropriate and will not be permitted. It is impossible to think of all possible malicious scenarios in advance and write in these terms and conditions, but we will deal with them fairly and at all times.

What is allowed:

  • Place the Referral Link on your own website
  • Share the Referral Link via your social media
  • Send a personal email to a friend entrepreneur

It is NEVER allowed to:

  • Place the Referral Link in a paid advertisement
  • Include the Referral Link in a spam email, or any email for which you do not have an opt-in in accordance with applicable GDPR legislation
  • Offer incentives in any form to use the Referral Link
  • Include the Referral Link in the bio of your social media


In accordance with the above principles, these additional conditions apply to the referral program:

1. Requirements for obtaining coins

1.1. An existing eventplanner.ie user who actively recommends eventplanner.ie to others is referred to as a 'Referring Customer' or 'you(r)'. For clarity, only companies that have an active business page on our website at the time of the recommendation can be Referrers for the purposes of this Referral Program. It is irrelevant whether this is a free or paid version of a business page.

You must be at least 18 years old to be eligible for this program.

1.2. The fees only apply to new organisers and/or companies on eventplanner.net (and our other local sites) that never had a business page or used our event software before. Double registrations, companies that do not belong on our platform (for example, companies that are not active in the event industry, or do not fit into our categories), incomplete registrations, ... will be rejected. These cases do not qualify for coin entitlements.

1.3. You can refer any company working in the event industry.

However, Pink Minds Media reserves the right, at its own and absolute discretion, to refuse any referral submitted by the Referring customer if it deems this necessary.

1.4. Only when the Referral Link is used can coins be awarded. If the Referral Link has not been used, coins cannot be awarded in any other way afterwards. When using the Referral Link, a cookie is set with your referral ID that entitles you to the coins for up to 7 days after clicking the Referral Link on that specific device (and insofar as the user does not delete the cookie).

The Referral link, your current balance and an overview of the transactions can be found in your account.

1.5. Coins such as commission on recurring payments are only awarded when the subscription is set up immediately upon creation of the business page and/or purchase of licenses of our event software. For example, an event company that initially chooses the completely free version (or downgrades during the trial) and later decides to upgrade is no longer entitled to coins.

Coins are only applied to self-service accounts, which means that the advertiser referred to creates the page via our site and takes out the subscription via an automatic online recurring payment.

Coins are never awarded for sales involving a Pink Minds Media salesman.

2. Exclusion

2.1. Pink Minds Media will in any case refuse applications, payment of coins, ... if:

  • the applied event company already has a business page or already had one in the past;
  • the applied event company has no relationship with the event sector;
  • Pink Minds Media establishes or has a strong suspicion that there has been a violation of local, national or international legal provisions, these conditions or other texts referred to in these conditions;
  • the referral program is commercialized, advertised, the Referral Link is massively distributed, compensation or incentives are offered to use the Referral Link, ... But also when there is an active call to donate or sponsor a cause/organisation, a loyalty- or savings-like action or cash-back construction is set up, ...
  • intellectual property rights, trademark rights or other rights of Pink Minds Media or any third party are violated or offers the possibility to do so;
  • the good name and reputation of Pink Minds Media can be harmed;
  • engage in or promote illegal activities;
  • the communications have a sexual, pornographic, offensive and/or violent character;
  • there is in any way contrary to public order and/or morality;
  • there is discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, religion and/or beliefs;
  • GDPR and anti-spam legislation are not respected;
  • the operation of the program or site is damaged, tampered with or in case of corruption;

2.2. If it is suspected that the Referral program is being abused, Pink Minds Media reserves the right not to approve a referral by a Referring Customer and not to award the corresponding rewards. Any form of abuse will lead to exclusion from the Referral program.

3. Coins

3.1. When a new event venue or event company signs up for a business page for the first time through your Referral Link, you as a Referring Customer will receive 15 coins in your account as soon as the business page of the referred business is approved by us (as defined in Article 1 and our general terms of use), even if they only opt for the free listing. In the case of a premium listing, where the company you introduced chooses to immediately become a paying customer of Pink Minds Media at the time of creating its business page, and an online recurring payment is concluded, you will receive, as a Referring customer, 50% of the first 3 related invoices converted to coins.

3.2. If our event software is referred, 50% of the initial license purchase amount will be awarded in coins.

This percentage is calculated on the basis of the invoice amount excluding VAT.

Each time the actual payment of these invoices is received, the coins will be added to your account.

In case of cancellations, credit notes, ... awarded points can be deducted again.

3.3. Pink Minds Media reserves the right to change the above rewards temporarily or permanently.

3.4. Coins are non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash.

3.5. All coins awarded under the Referral program are valid for an indefinite period and can always be used to receive a discount on a Pink Minds Media bill as part of a campaign on eventplanner.ie (business page, banner, advertorial, post boosts & in the spotlight) or eventplanner.PRO licenses. In any case, coins cannot be exchanged for services for which Pink Minds Media itself incurs additional costs such as consultancy, TV recordings, social media campaigns, ...

4. Code of conduct and relationship between Pink Minds Media and the referrer

4.1. As a Referring customer, you are responsible for providing a true and fair view of the vision and values that Pink Minds Media and its brands propagate.

All statements and communications from you to third parties are your responsibility. Pink Minds Media does not underline or support or compare these statements and communications in any way unless such statement or communication is signed in writing by Pink Minds Media.

4.2. As a Referring Customer, you undertake not to make any claims about Pink Minds Media products and services that are inaccurate or in any way misleading.

4.3. You also agree that all methods you use to promote Pink Minds Media products and services to prospective Pink Minds Media customers are in accordance with all applicable marketing and e-privacy laws and regulations and that no commercial electronic communication (e-mails, texts or other) will be sent in violation of applicable laws and regulations.

4.4. Nothing in the Referral Program is intended to create a relationship or partnership between the Referring Client and Pink Minds Media.

4.5. As a Referring customer you are not authorised to represent Pink Minds Media or to enter into agreements on its behalf. You also refrain from negotiating prices or other conditions on behalf of Pink Minds Media.

5. Liability

5.1. Pink Minds Media is in no way liable for statements or communications from a Referring customer about Pink Minds Media, the use of Pink Minds Media's services or contact with Pink Minds Media.

5.2. Pink Minds Media disclaims any liability for damage to a computer system as a result of participation in, access to or downloading of information in connection with the program.

5.3. Pink Minds Media is in no way liable for damage caused by and/or to the Referring customer and/or the Referred customer and/or third parties. Pink Minds Media is in no way liable for damage caused by the Referring customer and/or the referred customer to third parties.

5.4. Referring clients agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pink Minds Media and its representatives and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, costs or expenses of third parties, including attorney's fees and costs, arising out of or in connection with a violation by the participant of any of these program terms and conditions or a violation by the participant of applicable law.

5.5. By participating in the program, Referring Customers relieve Pink Minds Media, suppliers, advertising and promotion agencies and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from all liability for loss, damage and expense, or expense, including, without limitation, property damage, personal injury and/or death arising out of or in any way related to the Program and/or use of Program Rewards.

6. Disclaimer

6.1. Pink Minds Media reserves the right, at its own and absolute discretion, to refuse any referral submitted by the Referring customer.

Pink Minds Media's decision regarding all aspects of this program is final and binding.

6.2. Pink Minds Media reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, modify or suspend the Referral Program in the event of, but not limited to, a virus, bug, computer problem, unauthorised intervention or other causes outside of the control of Pink Minds Media, affecting the management, security or the correct operation or safety of the program.

Pink Minds Media can do this without prior notice or obligations.

6.3. Pink Minds Media reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this Referral Program, in its sole discretion, at any time without notice or warning. Participation in the program is considered as acceptance of the program conditions and any changes. We reserve the right to disqualify (Referring) Customers or Referrals from participating in the program at any time.

Pink Minds Media can also terminate or suspend the participation of a Referring customer in the program for violation of these program conditions or for taking actions that are contrary to the intent of these program conditions.

7. Intellectual property

As a Referring customer, you may only use and display the name, logos, trademarks and other intellectual property of Pink Minds Media to the extent specifically permitted in writing by Pink Minds Media and only for participation in this program. This license is limited, non-transferable and can be revoked by Pink Minds Media at any time after notification.

The correct and permitted use of our intellectual property can be found in our 'Logo and Brand Guidelines'.

8. Severability

The invalidity of a provision of these terms and conditions will in no way affect the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of these terms and conditions.

9. General terms

9.1. This Referral Program serves as a binding agreement between all Referring Customers and Pink Minds Media. Any party that does not agree to the terms and conditions in their entirety as described in this document is not entitled to participate in the Referral Program.

9.2. By participating in this Referral Program, you agree to all of the Referral Program Terms, our Terms of Use, Terms of Sale, 'Logo and Brand Guidelines' and privacy policy by Pink Minds Media. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions and guidelines, you cannot participate in the program.

9.3. This Referral program and prices are dependent on and subject to local laws and regulations.

General clauses

Latest update to these terms: 10/02/2023

Adjustments - If we change these terms, the new version will be available on our website and this new version will apply from your next visit to our website. From that moment on you will be deemed to have taken note of this and agree to this. It is therefore important to check the date of adjustment mentioned above at every visit to the website.

Acceptance - By using our website and completing the registration form, ... you accept all clauses of these terms.

Contact - For any additional information or comments regarding these terms, you can contact us at the following address: Pink Minds Media, Moleneinde 10, B-2381 Weelde (Belgium) or via info@eventplanner.net. Any feedback regarding the website or dispute must be sent by registered mail to the above address. Every communication from us to you is made via the website or by email, at our choice and possibility.

Applicable law

These terms and conditions and all legal relationships and documents to which Pink Minds Media is a party are governed, interpreted and executed in accordance with Belgian law, which is exclusively applicable in the event of any dispute.

Parties agree that any dispute arising between them shall be brought solely before the competent courts of Antwerp, Belgium. Cases of minor value shall be brought before the competent court ('Vredegerecht') of the 5th canton of Antwerp.

EVENTS - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!