Scenic for Events

Scenic for Events

Scenic for Events
  • Via Poeta Antonio Machado 24, 08753 Barcelona, Spain

From initial conception to day-of-event execution, Scenic for Events supports the management of all aspects of scenic production. Our creative and technical team can help design, build, and install striking Custom Backdrop Printing, Aluvision modular back walls, event stages, photo call, pipe and drape rental, and trade show booths for every scale and level of complexity in Europe. 

We specialize in corporate events, pharmaceutical meetings, outdoor events, automotive events, gala dinners, and product launches. We are passionate about delivering your brand message clearly and energetically throughout your event. We provide transparent processes and have developed a multi-vendor strategy to ensure that your event will run smoothly and on budget. 

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Activities Scenic for Events

Activity regions:
Andorra | France | Italy | Monaco | Portugal | Spain | Switzerland | Yvelines | Yonne | Vosges | Paris | Vienne | Vendée | Vaucluse | Var | Val d'Oise | Val-de-Marne | Tarn-et-Garonne | Tarn | Somme | Seine-Saint-Denis | Seine-Maritime | Seine-et-Marne | Savoy | Sarthe | Saône-et-Loire | Pyrénées-Orientales | Pyrénées-Atlantiques | Puy-de-Dôme | Rhône | Pas-de-Calais | Orne | Oise | North | Nièvre | Moselle | Morbihan | Meuse | Meurthe et Moselle | Mayenne | Marne | Manche | Maine-et-Loire | Lozère | Lot-et-Garonne | Lot | Loir-et-Cher | Loiret | Loire-Atlantique | Loire | Landes | Jura | Isère | Indre-et-Loire | Indre | Ille-et-Vilaine | Hérault | Hauts-de-Seine | Haut-Rhin | Haute-Vienne | Hautes-Pyrénées | Haute-Savoie | Haute-Saône | Hautes-Alpes | Haute-Marne | Haute-Loire | Upper Garonne | Upper Corsica | Gironde | Gers | Gard | Finistère | Eure-et-Loir | Eure | Essonne | Drôme | Doubs | Dordogne | Deux-Sèvres | Creuse | Côtes-d'Armor | Cote d'Or | South Corsica | Corrèze | Cher | Charente-Maritime | Charente | Cantal | Calvados | Bouches-du-Rhône | Territoire de Belfort | Bas-Rhin | Aveyron | Aude | Aube | Ariège | Ardennes | Ardèche | Alpes-Maritimes | Alpes-de-Haute-Provence | Allier | Aisne | Ain | Murcia | Ceuta | Balearic Islands | Andalusia | Canary Islands | Castille-La Mancha | Extremadura | Valencia | Asturias | Navarre | Madrid | La Rioja | Cantabria | Aragon | Castille and León | Catalonia | Galicia | Basque Country | Melilla
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