Lewis Events

  • Waddenring 245, 2993 VD Barendrecht, Netherlands

Lewis Events offers a unique customized service for each client. Our vision is that every customer and event is unique, whether it is a private party, a wedding or a company party. We think our service should be too. We have therefore built a network and locations all over the world to make every event a unique experience. We work with top partners to create unforgettable experiences and impactful stories

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3 reviews on Lewis Events - 10/10

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Delcina van den Broek

Top, creative and unburdening!

A few things were important to me when looking for a party planner: someone who would unburden me and someone who could help me organize an unforgettable party with original, creative and budget-friendly ideas. I found all that and more in Lewis Events! Not only was the last party a great success, all future parties will certainly be planned by Lewis Events!!

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Jeroen Oomen
New|Jeroen Oomen de Hondencoach|

Professional, thorough, proactive and committed!

As a trainer / coach, independent entrepreneur, speaker and presenter, I have many balls to uphold and many ambitions. Lewis Events is my support and rock; whether it concerns organization, creative thinking, establishing and maintaining contacts or unburdening. As far as I am concerned, Lewis Events can best be described as professional, thorough, proactive and committed. With enormous passion and empathy, the guidance is highly recommended for anyone who has business ambitions or wants to grow (creatively). Not just support and rock for events, but much more versatile than people would think. A must to take a look at the site and see and explore the possibilities. Lewis Events has brought me more than I could have imagined.

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Wendy Stolk


I was very surprised at our wedding
Everything was super organized
All .. correct
I would definitely recommend this company to people, she was a winner

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EVENTS - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Het bedrijf Touristram bouwt en verbouwt reeds meer dan 30 jaar toeristische trams en is goed vertrouwd met de specifieke noden van deze voertuigen omdat het, naast de constructie van deze voertuigen; ook instaat voor de uitbating ervan.



Exclusieve party met live sax. Saxit viert het leven en creëert magische herinneringen.

Domaine de Lomme

Domaine de Lomme

Le Domaine de Lomme, un lieu de séminaires et de réceptions de haut de gamme situé en Belgique.

Bianki planner

Bianki planner

Passionné de l’événementiel et soucieux des bonnes organisations, l’idée a émergée en réunissant nos compétences, nos expériences, mais surtout la question de satisfaction de notre clientèle.

Activities Lewis Events

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Henegouwen | Luik | Luxemburg | Namen | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Flevoland | Friesland | Gelderland | Groningen | Limburg | Noord-Brabant | Noord-Holland | Overijssel | Drenthe | Utrecht | Zeeland | Zuid-Holland | Belgium | Germany | Netherlands | United Kingdom | Bruxelles-Capitale | Thuringia | Schleswig-Holstein | Saxony-Anhalt | Saxony | Saarland | Rheinland-Pfalz | North Rhine-Westphalia | Lower Saxony | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Hesse | Hamburg | Bremen | Brandenburg | Berlin | Bavaria | Baden-Württemberg | Wales | Scotland | Northern Ireland | England
Event Decoration | Product Launches | Private Parties Organization | Wedding Planner