Hello everyone,

We organize workshops in Ghent where we first taste three local beers from the Huyghe brewery, a peche beer from their Floris line, then a 'Gentse leute' from their Arteverlde micro city brewery and finally a Delirium Red with 8% alcohol.

The participants then select a beer to use to bake Brussels waffles. Under my guidance, they make their waffles with fresh yeast. In the meantime, the atmosphere is already good, especially when they have to hold the egg white upside down above their teammate's head as a 'trust test' or 'relationship test'. After 20 minutes we start baking the waffles with the beer and fresh yeast in them.

3 minutes later the first waffles roll out of the irons and then cover with whipped cream, chocolate sauce, speculoos spread, smarties, jam....

This can serve as a tourist event but also as a team building or fun activity for associations or sports clubs.

The workshops can take place at agreed times and last 1.5 to 2 hours. Separate appointments can be made for team building activities. Max 25 to 30 people per session and €40 as basic price

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Brew Your Waffles
workshop Ghent-Ledeberg
14 October 2023

Workshops, team building, fun, beer, waffles, tasting three local beers and then waffles with the beer in the recipe! Bachelor night....

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3 reviews on Brew Your Waffles - 9.7/10

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Marc  Peeters
New|bakkerij marc en katrien bvba|

Brew Your Waffles

Definitely worth repeating, it was a great afternoon, getting to know new people plus in a cozy atmosphere with three different beers where we made our Brussels waffle afterwards, certainly our man of the houses is top Johan guides you very well that your prefect can make a very tasty waffle and is framed in a good atmosphere,
I had a fantastic afternoon

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Klaas Vergote

Brew your waffles

Nice workshop in which we could enjoy beer and waffles in abundance. The setting was great and there was something for everyone, the service was great!!!

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Kathy Regheere

Beer waffles and fun!!! Beer and waffles galore!!!

We had a great afternoon, first tasted three different beers and then baked Brussels waffles with our favorite beer. The workshop was very well organized and we were well served by the host and his helper!
Beer and waffles galore!!

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Activities Brew Your Waffles

Activity regions:
Oost-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Team building