Passenger Terminal Amsterdam

Passenger Terminal Amsterdam

Passenger Terminal Amsterdam
  • Piet Heinkade 27, 1019 BR Amsterdam, Netherlands

A beautiful piece of modern architecture within walking distance of the center where events come into their own perfectly! The glass construction provides a transparent and open character, but with the possibility of darkening. The three levels, Main Deck, Promenade Deck and Panorama Deck, in PTA can be used separately, but together they also form one whole. PTA also has the option of sub-rooms, an outdoor terrace with beautiful views and is easily accessible by car and public transport. Our experience with events guarantees expert and professional guidance during the organization of your event. You can contact PTA for all your: Meetings and congresses Fairs (Product) presentations Dinners (Company) parties Fashion shows Receptions Relationship marketing events Film recordings and photo shoots.

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Characteristics Passenger Terminal Amsterdam



Number of people

100 - 3000 



public transport 

parking - paid 


city (centre) 

Catering venue

selected caterer(s) 

Activities Passenger Terminal Amsterdam

Activity regions:
Noord-Holland | Netherlands
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