Unique authentic city walk Vagebond about the hidden world of homelessness.

The Tramp Tour offers a unique city walking tour that takes you on a journey through the city, past the hidden corners and the secret alleys known only to the homeless community. This tour is inspired by the stories of homeless people and the experiences they have had in the city.

the most interesting (Team) OUTING ever, for young & old.

Nijmegen, Arnhem, Deventer, Apeldoorn, Zutphen & Tiel

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4 reviews on Vagebond - 10/10

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Ciel Verheijen

City walk Danny

Had a city walk with Danny in Nijmegen. What an inspiring man! I admire how he can talk about his life and wish him all the best!
Highly recommended for everyone to join us once in a while.

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Rien Penninx

A tour that touches you

We have known Nijmegen for years, but now we were taken to the places where homeless people try to save themselves.
With Danny as a guide who took us into his own life.
Beautiful story and also pure and honest.

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Janneke Peelen
New|HAN University of Applied Sciences|

Opens your eyes

City walk through Nijmegen with students. Educational. Really opens your eyes to a different world in your own city. Good confrontation with your own prejudices. Students were also very enthusiastic.

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Ben Hur

An Inspiring Journey with Guide Danny from Vagabond's City Tours

I had the privilege of participating in the Vagabond's City Tour led by the extremely engaging guide, Danny. His ability to present street life in a compelling and authentic way was truly inspiring.
Ronald brought the hidden places and hiding places to life through his detailed and lively narration. His passion for sharing the challenges and day-to-day realities of homelessness was evident. It was fascinating to look through his eyes and glimpse a world that is otherwise often overlooked.
His ability to share the stories of homeless people in a respectful and insightful way has increased my understanding of this complex issue. Not only did Danny give a voice to those who often don't have a voice, but he also made sure we could empathize with their situation and challenges.
What stood out most was Danny's in-depth knowledge of the city and his ability to bring even the smallest details to life. His friendly and open demeanor made the tour all the more enjoyable, and his ability to approach serious topics with a touch of humor created a perfect balance between learning and enjoyment.
The tour led by Danny was undoubtedly a highlight of my city visit. If you are looking for an experience that will broaden your horizons and give you a new perspective on life on the street, I highly recommend booking the Vagabond's City Tour and enjoy the insights and stories that Danny has to offer .

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Activities Vagebond

Activity regions:
Gelderland | Netherlands
Team building