Who will be the Best Event Company or Venue of 2024?

Who will be the Best Event Company or Venue of 2024?

eventplanner.net is awarding the best event venues and companies for the 9th time this year. Who will win the coveted award? Vote for your favorite now.

If you are not yet familiar with the eventplanner.net awards, we will briefly explain it. Every year we reward the most valued event companies with an official 'Certificate of Excellence' based on our unique and secure review system. All event companies and locations on our website, there are now more than 14,000, are eligible for the prestigious award. You, our users, decide who wins.

How do you vote your favorite event location or event company to the top?

Are you an event organizer and super satisfied with your event venue, caterer or supplier? Then write a review on eventplanner.ie It doesn't matter whether you are organizing a corporate event, festival or wedding, all authentic reviews are welcome. You give your favorite event company a big boost to win the award, help other organizers select the best suppliers and you also receive a reward yourself: 50 points with which you save for a free event planner.xx .PRO membership .

What does it bring to event companies? And how do I get the certificate on my wall?

What does it mean for you as an event company? Attention! Lots of attention and trust! And as you know, attention leads to extra leads. So it's not just a reward for your hard work, it's also an additional reason why organizers should choose you as a supplier in the future.

To receive the certificate, you must complete at least 10 reviews (of which at least 5 in 2023) on your company page before the end of September. Your customers therefore determine who deserves the award. If your average score is also more than 90%, you can hang this coveted certificate on your 'trophy wall'. You can read the conditions again here .


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