9 Tips to Pimp Your Event for Mobile Devices

9 Tips to Pimp Your Event for Mobile Devices

The use of mobile devices is exploding. You can see it everywhere at events: visitors consulting their mobile phones for the program, taking notes, networking, and sharing content through social media.


With these 9 tips your guests can easily stay online.

  • Provide a fast Wi-Fi connection and make it free for everyone.

  • Test the Wi-Fi signal in every corner of the site and make sure that it is strong enough everywhere.

  • Give clear instructions on how to access your network, including the password.

  • Create a mobile version of your website, or an app that can provide your program, directions, presentation material and other practical information. Make your app interesting not only for visitors but also for exhibitors, sponsors and speakers.

  • Give your participants a barcode or QR code on their mobile which they can use to check in.

  • Provide plenty of comfortable seating. Mobile users constantly communicate through their phone or tablet and like to sit down while doing it.

  • Give the audience at presentations tables or something else that they can rest their tablets on while taking notes.

  • Provide adequate electricity points or charging stations.

  • Display the hashtag of your event everywhere.

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