New Features: Analytics and Boost Posts

New Features: Analytics and Boost Posts

The event industry now needs a strong platform more than ever. That is precisely why, despite the difficult circumstances, we continue to invest in new communication tools for event companies and our community.


In times like this, you sometimes wonder as an entrepreneur whether you should put your investments on hold for a while. Isn't that safer? We have decided not to do that. We are convinced that the platform we build and the content our editors bring will help our community. We don't want to hit the brakes now, but just run faster than ever. All inspiration, hope, concrete tips, news updates, and marketing opportunities matter right now.


To give event companies more tools to communicate with our community, our designers and developers have worked hard (from home of course) to roll out a major release of our platform faster than planned.



We rebuilt the entire analytics engine of our platform from scratch. As an advertiser, you can now monitor the reach and interaction of your posts in real-time. The functionality (see the screenshot below) is available for all new posts as of today.




The new analytics engine also forms the basis for a completely new reporting tool that we will launch later for our business pages. We want to give our advertisers more insights. Thanks to this release, we are already tracking dozens of additional data points that we will make available later in the new reports. We will, of course, keep you informed when the new KPI dashboard is available.


Boost posts

Sometimes you want to give your posts just that extra push. Boosting posts is possible from today on, starting from 5 euros! To accommodate the exceptional corona conditions, we are lowering the underlying rate structure of this feature so that we can offer an even bigger reach for a minimal investment.



Do you not have a professional business page on our site yet and therefore you can not post? Don't worry, you will receive a free upgrade from us for 4 months so that you can also share your story. Create your professional business page now or upgrade your existing free page from your account. Use the voucher code 'WECARE' (*voucher code valid until 31/12/2020 and only if you have not previously used a free trial period). You start a subscription with, but you can cancel it anytime you want (you can even do this for the first prolongation so that you don't pay anything, just put a reminder in your agenda for this).


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