Event Manager in TOP 5 Most Stressing Jobs 2014

Event Manager in TOP 5 Most Stressing Jobs 2014

Every employee deals with stress at some or other time, but some jobs are more stressful than others. According to the career website CareerCast.com Event Managers are this year in the top 5.

Safety First on your Event Checklist

Safety First on your Event Checklist

Obviously you should always be concerned about the safety of your guests at your event. If you make use of an accredited security firm - which is recommended - then discuss the following 7 points quite thoroughly with them.

Fireworks go Seriously Wrong

Fireworks go Seriously Wrong

"You are an idiot if you play around with fireworks", was once the slogan in a government campaign against the use of fireworks. And we're inclined to agree after watching this movie.

TOP Visual Design Trends for 2014

TOP Visual Design Trends for 2014

Women of all shapes, beards, hands-on fathers, ... these are just some of the design trends for 2014. And say goodbye to vampires. From now on witches are in.

8 Things NOT to do at the Office Party

8 Things NOT to do at the Office Party

There are some things you should not do at the office party. Here are 8 sensible don'ts.

Lack of Connectivity Concern among Event Bookers

Lack of Connectivity Concern among Event Bookers

Research conducted amongst event planners underlines a demand for event venues to clarify internet connectivity.

10 Event Trends for 2014

10 Event Trends for 2014

Every year blogger Julius Solaris from Event Manager Blog publishes an overview of the most significant trends affecting events. Here is his prediction for 2014.