23 Drink Stations to Install at Your Event

23 Drink Stations to Install at Your Event

You can invite the best speakers and have the most engaging moderators. You can also rent or buy the most comfortable furniture and provide the best platform for networking. However, surprise is one of the things that will make people to remember your event. So how can you surprise your attendees?

By improvising and getting them to do things differently. One example is the way you set up the bar. Just imagine people entering the venue and seeing a champagne or wine wall in front of them—or even better, a wall and a few hands hanging and offering them drinks. That’s something your guests definitely won’t forget. So instead of coming up with fancy catering options for your event, get creative with how you set up your event’s drink stations. Here are a few examples of what this could look like. 
























Source: Photo: House of Catherine Instagram


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