UP Events
Help your favorite company or self-employed person through the corona crisis
UP Events|
23 March 2020

The consequences of the corona virus are major. In addition to personal suffering, also for our industry, ranging from fewer guests for hospitality entrepreneurs to canceling events and stopping assignments. In response, an initiative has been devised that could help these entrepreneurs. Coronacoupon.nl has been set up where entrepreneurs can place advertisements with the specific approach "if you pay for my service or product in advance, I will make a nice deal". This way your guest or customer gets a competitive price and helps the entrepreneur through a difficult time through the prepayment. www.CoronaCoupon.nl is a FREE marketplace. You can specify a number of product or service characteristics, a location, a text with a URL and of course all the contact details that your customer needs. The guest or customer can freely approach advertisers on the site, without creating an account. So very accessible. UP Events is participating in this! Check: http://www.coronacoupon.nl/author/upevents/

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